yet another skate entry...
damn...well i can now say i have had a broken bone.  Yup that’s an x-ray of my hand. And yes i am entering this all one handed. hehe
So the story goes like this.....
Went to go skate yesterday with Ron for a while.
We first went to Sunnyvale and since the weather was so nice we thought we would go for an hour or so to Pacifica.
Was a great time. Things were going good an mellow.
And about 30 min into our session I grabbed a little backside coping (like the small top inset photo from the last post) and I hung up and laid it down. No big deal. Small spill i thought. Till i looked down at my right hand and noticed what looked like a new joint to my pinky finger.  And yeah a bit of blood was starting to show. Not good i thought.  grabbed the board and jumped out of the bowl.
i said to Ron “we got to go!”.... he looked at my hand and agreed.
We grabbed my stuff and we took off.
We drove back down to Santa Clara since i wanted to be close to home to go to the hospital. so it was a 45 min drive or so.
Weird thing is it did not hurt how i would have expected it to hurt.
Having never had a broken bone i had no idea but i thought for sure it had to hurt allot.
We headed over to Kaiser and they took real good care of me.
They tried setting it but it did not work so i get to have surgery next week to have it set and pinned.  Boy i am looking forward to that!
in other news...
i started scanning in a bunch of the old skate shots from the 70’s and 80’s.
wow that was just last week right?!?!   i’ll try to post them as i get time.
I have shots of some of the old RipCity Skates crew.
Yes i did get that domain and now... what to do with it!?
ok time to rest.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
NO that is not supposed to be bent like that. not too bad considering the breakage and punctures in the hand ;-) that’s me at Skate Park Victoria in in the peanut bowl circa 1978.  not much has changed in my style i would say.